
Becoming Religious with Knowledge to Become an Excellent Person

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) as an excellent and Islamic campus held a Basic Islamic Study Orientation (OSDI) activity online on 1-2 October 2020. On Friday (2/10) the second day of the implementation of this OSDI activity with the theme “Religion, Intelligence, Towards an Excellent Personage” invited Ustadz Bachtiar Nashir, Lc., MM

An Indonesian scholar and da’i, Ustadz Bachtiar Nashir, Lc., MM. gave advice to new UMY students on how to be intelligent in religion to become an excellent person, not because of dogmatic doctrine. “Knowledge in Islam is not about dogmatic doctrine, but about searching for knowledge with referring to the al-Qur’an. It is knowledge that leads us to Allah so that we always serve Him and also imitate the teachings of His prophets and apostles. Therefore, the way to study religion is through a quality reference, namely al-Qur’an,” he explained.

Bachtiar also explained that if you want to be religious in a smart way, you must understand religious references, followed by studying, memorizing, contemplating, and practising. “The measure of intelligence in religion is seen from whether or not we have read our religious references, namely Al-Qur’an and As-Sunnah. Our level of knowledge, our awareness and practice in living are according to the Al-Qur’an and As-sunnah. Furthermore, quality Muslim keywords include knowing that there is no god but Allah and following the Prophet as a messenger of Allah with the knowledge he teaches us to meet Allah, as the peak of the excellence can be seen in the fifth verse of Surah Al-Fatihah which reads “iyyakana’budu wa iyya kanasta’in” which means only “You(Allah) are the one we worship and only to You we ask for help,””he explained.

Becoming an excellent person is also seen from the substance of knowledge in studying on campus, which is measured by its benefits which are not only oriented towards world interests but also beneficial to religion, the world and the hereafter. “Therefore, there are three most important things for students to study in order to be able to be religious intelligently and to become a quality person, namely at-tazkiyah qabla ta’lim or what is called purifying the soul before teaching and learning activities, then al-ilmu qabla qauli wal amal, namely knowledge before saying and doing charity and finally, al-adab qabla amal, namely being civilized before doing charity,” he concluded. (Sofia)

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