
Among Departments of Governmental Studies in Indonesia, UMY Achieves the Highest Accreditation Score

Department of Governmental Studies of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) obtained an A accreditation with a score of 371. The decision was issued by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) through 1988/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VI/2019 decree on (18/6). This satisfying result puts Department of Governmental Studies of UMY as the only department of Governmental Studies of Indonesia to achieve such high score.

Head of Department of Governmental Studies, Dr. Muchamad Zaenuri, M.Si explained that the department has been conducting a long and continuous process on human resources. “We have always improved our quality for years. To achieve a perfect score, BAN-PT obligates seven indicators to consider. However, the primary consideration is related to human resources. Almost all lecturers of the department have accomplished doctoral programs. Subsequently, we also have a professor. Our lecturers, in the other hand, also possess many works and contributions in the international level,” explained Zaenuri at UMY on Tuesday (2/7).

Moreover, Department of Governmental Studies of UMY also supports students to show excellent performances in national and international levels. Zaenuri declared that the department is now advancing its international programs. He added, “Based on a data we collected these past years, we can show that almost 60 percent of the students have achieved recognitions in the international level. Meanwhile the rest 40 percent shows marvelous performance in the national level. We also try our best to escalate the international programs so that many foreign students can pursue education in our departments, and vice versa.”

Department of Governmental Studies of UMY have generated profuse alumni that spread all over Indonesia. “Our alumni mainly work as political and government practitioners, researchers or lecturers, entrepreneurs that run public services, and consultants,” maintained Zaenuri.

Additionally, the accreditation prevails for five years, starting from 2019 to 2024. For the near future, Zaenuri hoped that Department of Governmental Studies can be eminent in the level of Southeast Asia for in 2021. He highly anticipates that the department will generate alumni that can comprehend governmental science based on Islamic values. “We are attempting to acquire the Southeast Asia level of accreditation in 2021. We hope that our students and alumni can always bring merits and benefits for ummah,” ended Zaenuri.

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