Al-Qur’an encourages people to explore nature as mentioned implicitly on 750 verses of Qauniyah (verses explaining natural phenomena).
Sciences and technology nowadays should not turn materialistic and secular. Qauniyah verses are guidance of Allah to make the sciences and technology rahmatan lil ‘alamin (blessing for the whole world and its content).
In a seminar ‘Al-Qur’an for Scientific Development’ of Al-Qur’an Festival of Muhammadiyah/Aisyiyah-affiliated universitis at hall of A.R. Fachruddin B of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Thursday (11/8), Dr. Ir. Agus S. Djamil, M.Sc. stated that Al-Qur’an is passage of scientific development. “By Qauniyah verses, Allah guides people to explore nature in right passage so that they will gain valuable discovery,” he mentioned.
Agus, who is also an author of ‘Al-Qur’an dan Lautan’ (Al-Qur’an and Ocean), shared his experience as an oil and gas practitioner who is interested in exploring Al-Qur’an. He adored ocean and commenced reviewing verses of Al-Qur’an about oceans. “Al-Qur’an firmly discusses natural phenomena, particularly ocean. Ocean is mentioned on Al-Qur’an 41 times. It shows that there must be something special about ocean that Allah gives to people,” Djamil conveyed.
Djamil contended that understanding of Qauniyah verses will lead to scientific and technology invention. He believed that the discovery will always find the way if it relies on Al-Qur’an. “I believe that Qauniyah verses will guide scientists to invention. They will no longer predict sciences using premises like western sciences. They will effectively be in line to find what they research,” he argued.
He thought that Indonesia can the greatest country in sciences and technology due to the human resources. “Please take a look at ‘our yard’. Our yard refers to our country, Indonesia. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world which most of the areas are ocean. Al-Qur’an is supposed to be the reference to transform one of the superiorities of Indonesia, namely having the greatest number of Muslims, to resolve modern issues, he ended.