
A New Captain of Pemuda Muhammadiyah Seeks to Develop its Organization in Remote Areas of Indonesia

A chairperson and a formation of Pemuda Muhammadiyah (Muhammadiyah Youth) 2018-2022 were elected on Wednesday midnight (28/11) at Mu. Sunanto, well-known as gained the greatest number of voters, 590 voters, among the other five candidates. Besides, Dzul Fikar Ahmad Tawalla was elected as a Secretary General of the Pemuda Muhammadiyah.

At his remark, Cak Nanto stated that the Muktamar XVII Pemuda Muhammadiyah (Muhammadiyah Youth Congress XVII) could be conducted well, have enthusiasm of fastabiqul khairat, enhance solidarity, and new vigor to achieve visions and missions of Pemuda Muhammadiyah. “I am proud of all cadres and thank them for participating in this Muktamar,” he expressed as mentioned on an official website of Muhammadiyah.

He also encourages all cadres to be heartily active in Muhammadiyah. Indeed, he expected that cadres in remote areas of Indonesia can go hand in hand to advance Muhammadiyah and Indonesia. “Let’s develop Pemuda Muhammadiyah,” he exclaimed.

Since this Muktamar was carried out in a politic era, Cak Nanto pledged not to engage Pemuda Muhammadiyah in a circle of Indonesian politics. Pemuda Muhammadiyah and he will remain independent without taking any side of general election candidates. “I will never put Pemuda Muhammadiyah in politics. I am independent and will not forfeit my long journeys by affiliating Pemuda Muhamamdiyah to politics,” he emphasized.

Additionally, at the Muktamar 12 people were elected as a formation of Pemuda Muhammadiyah. They were Horo Wahyudi (608), Muhammad Sukron (547), Nugroho Noto Susanto (546), Dzulfikar Ahmad Tawalla (528), Mukayat Al Amin (526), ​​Gusman Fahrizal (521), Ilham Pratama (513), Razikin (500), Rahmatullah Baja (491), Sandro Andriawan (491), Zaidi Bastur Rozak (480), and Ali Muthohirin (472).

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