
43 Participants from 19 Countries Join Summer Schools at Department of Medicine and Department of Dentistry of UMY

Department of Dentistry and Department of Medicine of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) conducted International Dental Summer School (IDSS) and International Tropical Medicine Summer School (ITMSS). The IDSS was held on 30 July – 17 August, while the ITMSS was organized on 30 July – 19 August. Aiming to enhance their capabilities in medical, cultural and social ideas, the summer schools were joined by 43 participants from 19 countries. The summer schools were opened by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of UMY Dr. Ir. Sukamta, M.T., IPM on Monday (30/7) at Asri Medical Center (AMC).

Chief of ITMSS committee Wilda Fadhilah informed that the ITMSS was followed by 24 participants from ten countries, namely Ecuador, Italy, Poland, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Spain, Cambodia, Germany and Slovakia. Wilda believed that the summer school could enrich their experience and knowledge as prospective physicians. “All participants have a schedule such as learning medical science from foreign experts, getting materials about tropical area diseases as malaria, tuberculosis (TBC), dengue fever, and doing a case study in Bantul Regency,” told Wilda.

Meanwhile, chief of IDSS committee Jihan Nadhirah stated that the number of IDSS participants were 19 people from 9 countries, namely Finland, the Netherlands, Italy, Jordan, India, Algeria, Slovakia, Czech and Palestine. Besides gaining material from foreign experts, the participants performed social service at Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) / a special school in Kulonprogo Regency. “The IDSS is addressed to boost dentistry students’ knowledge and social experience. The committee will also promote Indonesian culture to the participants,” said Jihan.

Additionally, Dr. Ir. Sukamta, M.T., IPM appreciated the summer schools. “I expect that these summer schools enable participants to broaden their knowledge and experience. I believe that when participants from various countries gather in a forum, there must be cultural exchanges,” he declared.

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