
UMY Shines beyond Borders

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Universitas Muhammadiyah will commemorate the 35th anniversary on 1st March 2016. The anniversary theme is ‘Shining Beyond Borders’ meanings that UMY with its sun can shine the world. The strategic plans (Renstra) of UMY 2016-2020 also mentioned that UMY is ready to conduct internationalization and to bring UMY to World Class University.

In an interview on Thursday (25/2) at Plaza Bintang of UMY, Chief of the 35th Anniversary Commemoration, Dr. Slamet Riyadi stated, “Like a human, the age of 25 is considered mature and the person has become a doctor or a lecturer. The anniversary theme is in line with the Renstra of UMY. The sunshine is bright, and the age of 35 is time to shine brightly,” Slamet explained.

The schedules of the anniversary commemoration are divided into main activities and supporting activities. The schedules of the celebration night of the anniversary are the annual report by Rector of UMY, and a remark by Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Muhammad Nasir on 22 March 2016. The celebration night raises a theme ‘Higher Education Challenges in Fostering Global Competitiveness’. Besides, one of the main activities is a reflection night on 29 February for lecturers. “The event will begin by ‘tasmi’ or listening to recitation of AL-Qur’an by 5 students of UMY,” Slamet told. There will also be an operetta of the 35th anniversary of UMY, the announcement of the resolution in the age, and awarding meritorious people of UMY.

The other main activity is bestowing Doctorate Honoris Causa in Global Peace to Tun Dr. Mahatir Muhammad on 17 March 2016. The other activities are International Cultural Festival on 23 March and an international seminar of ‘Toward World Class University: Internationalization, Entrepreneurship, and Partnership’ by QS Singapore, DAAD, and AUAP on 2 April. There will also be a Talk Show with Dr. Zakir Naik for public in April.

Additionally, the supporting activities will be started from February to March like a research and creativity exhibition of lecturers and students of UMY, a sport competition for lecturers and staffs, social service, blood donors, and inexpensive market. “The social service will be conducted in a village in Cangkringan, Merapi, and around UMY. While, the blood donor will also be held in UMY,” Slamet informed. The other supporting activities are a tahfidz competition for students in DIY and Central Java, and Family Day for lecturers and staffs.

For student boards at UMY may also participate in the anniversary by proposing an event proposal as the anniversary theme and mission. The proposal can be submitted by student associations, and it will be reviewed and selected. If the proposal passes, the university will provide the fund.