
UMY Is Ready to Host KRI 2018

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) is mandated by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) to be a host of Indonesia Robot Contest (KRI) 2018. To be conducted on Wednesday-Saturday (11-14/7) at Sportorium of UMY, fifty teams from various Indonesian higher education institution will compete at the KRI.

The committee chief of the KRI 2018 Sri Atamaja P. Rosyidi, S.T., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., PE stated that it is an honor to be reelected as the host of the national event. “It is huge trust from government since we will welcome the best students from many Indonesian institution. UMY hosted the KRI 2015, and we will use our previous experience to give our best to organize the KRI 2018 and to serve participants as well as supporters,” decalared Sri after KRI 2018 logo launching at UMY on Monday (7/5).

Sri added that experience and skills to conduct this event are essential to keep DIKTI’s trust and to enhance quality of committee’s human resources. “We will also support the event by providing facilities that we have such as dormitories, classes, and Sportorium. Indeed, the adequate facilities are one of the reasons why DIKT selects us to be the host. Besides, we will promote local wisdom of Yogyakarta,” he told.

Sri also explained the KRI 2018 logo. “This logo philosophically shows a hat, circle, and android face. The hat inspired by Prajurit Wirobrojo represents culture, local wisdom, and sportsmanship. The circle shows togetherness and unity of Indonesian students. Overall, the logo tells that we may not overlook cultural values and local wisdom due to rapid technology development,” he maintained.

Meanwhile, committee chief of the KRI 2015 Ir. Tony K. Hariadi, M.T. told that Kemenristekdikti highly appreciated UMY for the success of the KRI 2015. Based on the statement, UMY became a benchmark to organize the next KRI. “Hence, Kemenristekdikti chooses UMY to be the host of KRI for the second time. This reveals Kementistekdikti to UMY,” he said.