
UMY Conducts ‘Silaturahmi’ with Parents of Freshmen of Academic Year 2018-2019

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) conducted ‘Silaturahmi’ with parents of new students of academic year 2018-2019 on Friday (24/8) at Sportorium of UMY. The Silaturahmi attended by 3,500 parents aimed to reinforce relationship between universities and the parents and to introduce UMY.

Rector of UMY Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budyanto, M.P. declared, “I would to welcome all parents to Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, an ‘Unggul dan Islami, Muda Mendunia’ university. I also would like to thank you (parents) for trusting to UMY as institution for your children to study.”

Gunawan also convinced the parents that UMY always updates and improves learning and teaching quality to develop the nation’s intellectual life and to prepare young generations. Due to the commitment, UMY accepted 5,347 of 32,927 applicants in this academic year. Indeed, UMY successfully maintained and increased ‘A’ accreditation.

“Silaturahmi in this morning is a felicitating moment because it gives us a lot of recommendations and we know what parents want to enhance learning and teaching processes,” stated Gunawan.

Besides, Gunawan explained a meaning of ‘Unggul dan Islami’, a vision of UMY. “We simplify long visions of UMY, namely to be a leading university to develop science and technology based on Islamic values for benefits of people,” he said.

To achieve the vision, Gunawan mentioned five missions to undertake. First, UMY can be a center for Muhammadiyah development to prosper people and develop their intellectual. Second, UMY can contribute to development of Yogyakarta as an areas appreciation cultural diversity. Third, UMY conducts education, research, and community service professionally. Fourth, UMY enhances quality of students so that they become faithful, pious and virtuous graduates. Last, UMY bears students possessing high understanding in science and technology.

Additionally, at the Silaturahmi, UMY introduced KRS Online to the parents in order that they can monitor fees paid to UMY. UMY also promoted a new program, UMY Sehat, organized twice a month.

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