
UMY Alumni Should Be Ready to Confront Industrial Revolution 4.0

As an Islamic and Muhammadiyah-based institution, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) always accentuates science, technology, and arts. In a commencement, Rector of UMY Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto advised 1,976 graduates to be able to confront Industrial Revolution 4.0.

“We are now in an era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 that the world are connected. With all knowledge gained during study, alumni of UMY should be able to compete with alumni from other Indonesian and overseas universities. You have to remember that this graduation is not the end of a process, but it is a beginning to be an activator instead of a spectator in the future,” declared Gunawan when delivering his remark in a commencement of UMY on Saturday (21/7) at Sportorium of UMY.

Gunawan also reminded the graduates to be wary about fraud offering jobs to UMY alumni. “Many people confess that they are on behalf of UMY or a big Indonesian company to offer jobs,” emphasized Gunawan.

Additionally, in 3rd period of the commencement of academic year 2017/2018, students holding bachelor’s degree, associate degree, and master’s degree as well as doctoral degree were 1,805, 31, and 40 respectively. The best graduate for bachelor’s degree went to Arma Rizal Riyandar, a student of Department of Civil Engineering with GPA of 4.00, while the best graduate from master’s program was Arief Budiman, a student of Master of Nursing with GPA of 3.95. The fastest study accomplishment went to Khairul Syarif with a study duration for 3 years and 5 months, while Lufhfiyya Syafiqa Tahany was the youngest graduate at the age of 19 years, one month, 19 days.

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