Chairperson of Muhammadiyah Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Si. officially inaugurated Twin Buildings of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Monday (20/2). Along with the inauguration, UMY parties granted Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) and Muhamadiyah Majelis Tabligh a car.
In his remark, Haedar invited guests to bring to mind K.H. Ibrahim’s life. “The buildings were named after K.H. Ibrahim, the second Muhammadiyah chairperson substituting K.H. Ahmad Dahlan. He was a precious leader since he was a hafidz (someone -being able to memorizing Al-Qur’an, -ed.) and had excellent Arabic proficiency due to his stay in Mecca,” Haedar told.
“He was one of the highly intelligent Muhammadiyah figures. He gave Islamic speech each week to share his thoughts. One of his achievements during his leadership was that Muhammadiyah congress began conducting in another area. In 1926, Muhammadiyah existed till Merauke,” Haedar recalled.
Thus, K.H. Ibrahim’s life may inspire UMY to provide better education. There are K.H. Ibrahim’s three spirits that we can follow. “First, the spirit of Al-Qur’an should be the basis of our education. Second, having high mobility, UMY should instill learning culture. Last, UMY should have praxis to educate mankind,” Haedar mentioned.
Additionally, the twin buildings comprises of 22 classes whose capacity is 50 people each class, as well as 3 amphitheaters with 224, 124, and 150 people for the capacity. The building area is 9785 m2, and has 7 floors consisting of Floor Ground, 1 to 5. The north building will be called E6 and the south building will be named E7. The buildings will be utilized by Faculty of Language Education and Faculty of Economics and Business.
Afterwards, a coordinator of Private Higher Education Institution Coordinating Bodies (Kopertis) of Region V in Civil Engineering area Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyadi, CES, DEA, handed over the Decree of Professor to Agus Setyo Muntohar, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D. (Eng.). “Congratulations on your achievement for being the 48th professor of a private higher education institution. There are 49 professors at higher education institutions in Yogyakarta now. Indeed, professor of Civil Engineering is quite rare,” he declared.