
Linda Yarni’s Observation of Prophet Muhammad SAW and his Intelligence Quotient as an Educator of his Masses Earned her a Doctorate

In Islam, Prophet Muhammad SAW is an ideal educator with an ideal personality. As Muslims, we should use Prophet Muhammad SAW as an example in education practices. Education is a medium to teach the next generation to be smart and educated. This is the basis of Linda Yarni’s study that earned her a doctorate from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)’s Islamic Psychology Education in a Doctorate Promotion Session hosted in the JK School of Government, UMY Central Campus on Monday (12/08).

In a dissertation titled “The Prophetic Intelligence of Prophet Muhammad SAW as an Educator of His People in the Qur’an and Hadith,”, Linda explained that her study was intended to find Prophet Muhammad SAW’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual quotients as an educator of His flock as written in the Qur’an and Hadith. In the context of Linda’s study, an educator is someone who teaches, shapes personalities, and helps develop personalities for the future. In addition, the “education” in this study refers to formal education.

“Prophet Muhammad SAW’s success in teaching His flock can be seen by observing and comparing the condition of Muslims before and after His presence, as well as the transformation of knowledge they underwent after being taught by the Prophet. This includes His success in creating an educated generation like those closest to him,” she stated in front of her examiners.

Linda also stated that she found six aspects regarding Prophet Muhammad SAW’s intellectual quotient (IQ) as an educator of His flock in the Qur’an and Hadith. “According to my findings, the Qur’an and Hadith have mentioned IQ far before the Western psychological theory of it. Prophet Muhammad SAW’s intellectual quotient as an educator of His masses can be seen in the Qur’an and Hadith as linguistic intelligence, mathematical intelligence, graphical intelligence, memory intelligence, problem-solving intelligence, and visual intelligence,”

Linda also added the three aspects of Prophet Muhammad SAW’s intellectual quotient (IQ) as an educator of His flock in the Qur’an and Hadith. “The three aspects are intrapersonal intelligence, behavioural intelligence, and social intelligence. Intrapersonal intelligence includes emotion, feelings, emotional control, and self-motivation. Behavioural intelligence includes being gentle, forgiving, polite, loving, patient, and respectful. Meanwhile, social intelligence includes motivating others, cooperating with others, empathy, tolerance, and comforting others,” Linda added.

Linda Yarni’s dissertation earned her the title of the 78th doctor from UMY’s Islamic Psychological Education, as well as UMY’s 99th doctor. (CDL)

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