
KOMAP of UMY Conducts ‘Gebyar Government 2015’


Governmental Study Student Association (KOMAP) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) organized an annual event so-called ‘Gebyar Government’. The event comprised several events, namely Social Day, Islamic Talkshow, National Seminar, Cultural Festival, Documentary Film Competition, and Gebyar Government Night. The theme of Gebyar Government was ‘Our Culture, Our Tradition’. It aimed at promoting Indonesian culture through ethnic dance and culinary food.

Gebyar Government Night was conducted on Sunday (20/12) at Plaza Bintang of UMY. There were several performances like dancing and singing ethnic songs from IKPM (Pupil and Student Family Association). There was also the announcement of the winner of Documentary Film Competition. “The theme of the Gebyar Governement dealing with culture aimed at raising awareness of young generation of loving Indonesian culture,” stated Muhammad Iqbal, chief of the Gebyar Government.

Iqbal informed that one of the events of Gebyar Government was Documentary Film Competition raising a theme of ‘Yogyakarta Tourism Places’. “The participants of the competition were students, and the competition theme had an objective to acquaint tourism places in Yogyakarta,” he told.

Furthermore, the Gebyar Government Night was officially opened by Vice Dean of Social and Political Science Faculty (FISIPOL) of UMY Bambang Wahyu Nugroho, S.IP., M.A. On his speech, he appreciated KOMAP for holding the annual event. “FISIPOL of UMY has three departments, namely International Relations (HI), Governmental Studies (IP), and Communication Sciences (IK). Those three departments possess great student activities and one of them is Gebyar Government by KOMAP of UMY. I wish that the Gebyar Government will be better and better in the next year,” he expected.

Various performances enlivened the Gebyar Government Night. The performances were Enggang Malenggang dance by IKPM of North Kalimantan, Rangguk dance, and others by IKPM of Dompu, IKPM of Jakarta, and IKPM of South Sulawesi.

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