
Islamic Philanthropy Movements Play Essential Roles in Deradicalization

Radicalism has developed in society and it leads to terrorism. The terrorism bears social issues. Thus, an Islamic philanthropy movement appears as a solution to social problems.

At a seminar on findings of research funded by Maarif Fellowship (MAF) 2017-2018 on Monday (21/5) at Graduate School of Universtitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Chairman of Lazizmu Organizer of Muhammadiyah Hilman Latief, S.Ag., MA. Ph.D. stated that terrorists leave their family in a condition which they are inadequate and need moral support. The Islamic philanthropy movement can play roles to assist them. “Family of terrorist convicts is ignored, their children are usually not accepted at schools, they do not have a job, and they live in an underprivileged condition. Therefore, we have to supervise them to enhance their moral and mental,” declared Himan, who is also Vice Rector for Student, Alumni, and Muhammadiyah Movement Affairs of UMY.

Meanwhile, an awardee of the MAF grant Husna Yuni Wulansari conducted research entitled ‘Islamic Philanthropy in Passive Support for Terrorism in Indonesia.’ She told that one of the Islamic philanthropy movements is from Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), named NUCARE-LAZIZNU which never looks at zakat recipients. NUCARE-LAZIZNU does not select whether they are from family of convicts or ex-convicts. As long as they are considered as eight categories of zakat recipients or asnaf, they deserve to receive zakat,” she maintained.

Besides, NUCARE-LAZIZNU promote anti-terrorism and anti—radicalism at schools, universities and families through NU boards such as NU Student Association (IPNU) fan Fatayat NU (NU woman Muslim association).

Additionally, a student of Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta also achieving the MAF grant Waskito Wibowo did a study on ‘Philanthropy Based on Masjid for Family of Terrorism Convicts: A Study Case in Lamongan.’ Masjid-based Islamic philanthropy is aids, either goods or services, given by individuals or groups through a masjid.

“A Masjid-based Islamic philanthropy movement aims to support the families to comply with life needs such as food, money, and other materials. The ex-terrorism convicts are also guided,” presented Waskito.

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