
Counseling to Alleviate the Number of Active Smokers

Alleviating the number of active smokers can be undertaken through counseling of several parties since the huge number of active smokers affects health of the people.

In training of Qui Now, Stop Smoking Program on Wednesday (1/2) at meeting hall of A.R. Facruddin A, floor 5, Director of Muhammadiyah Tobacco Control Center (MTCC) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Winny Setyonugroho, Ph.D. stated that active smokers will be motivated to quit smoking if they have counseling. “Based on research, 10 percent of smokers stopped smoking without counseling, while the number was greater with counseling,” Winny mentioned.

In the training holding till Friday (3/2), Vice Director of MTCC of UMY Dianita Sugiyo, S. Kep., Ns. MHD informed that the participants would learn seven steps to quit smoking, namely being ready to stop, being aware that it is time to stop, controlling nicotine addiction, having new habits, living away from smoke, keep quit smoking, and winning during their lifetime.

“Cooperating with H.E.L.P. Foundation at Asian Aid in Australia, MTCC can conduct this training. The speakers of this training are from Australian and several doctors from Indonesia, while all participants are from Indonesia such as from universities providing Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences or Nursing, hospitals, puskesmas community health centers), clinics, public health office, and others,” Dianita told.

All of the participants are counselor of clinics of Quitting Smoking assisting smokers to stop smoking. In the clinics, the smokers are treated medically and with behavior therapies.

“The similar training has been organized several times, and there are a lot of methods and different materials so that the participants are expected to share their knowledge to other counselors. The materials are regarding a communication therapy, seven steps to quit smoking from Australian, and other. Hence, we have to always update the materials and methods from other participants who might join the previous training,” Dianita advised.

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