
BEM of UMY Conducts UMY Fair


Student Executive Board (BEM) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) conducted UMY Fair to encourage students to actively join organizations. UMY’s success for these 25 years is inseperable from students’ activities. Students who actively join organizations and gain a lot of achievements are priceless assets of an institution.

In the opening of UMY Fair on Monday (19/9) at Sportorium of UMY, Chairperson of Student and Alumni Development Office (LPKA) of UMY, Ir. Agus Nugroho, M.P., stated “University parties always support students to obtain many achievements and to exist. A lot of students have not showed their talents to public. I wish that they can demonstrate their capability and student activities will be the media for them to reach achievements,” he uttered.

UMY Fair is one of the orientation day event series. “I hope that student activities can be promoted through this event so that students, particularly freshmen, will be attracted to join student activities. This will reinforce and enhance UMY’s achievements,” he expressed.

Additionally, President of BEM of UMY stated that UMY Fair concept was Islamic and fun representing UMY’s tagline, ‘Unggul dan Islami’. The other upcoming events are tabligh akbar and talkshow. “These two events aim at fostering students’ soft skills such as leadership, and raising their awareness of the significance of joining organizations,” he informed.

‘Find Your Self and You Will Be a Leader’ is a theme of UMY Fair organized on 19-20 September 2016. There were also performances of student clubs and communities, and stand-up comedy by Dzawin Nur Ikram and Band the Mahad.