
BEM FAI UMY Proudly Presents Mayda Sefira and Kang Abay in a National Seminar


Student Executive Board of Islamic Faculty of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (BEM FAI UMY) invited an actress and a motivasinger as the speakers of a national seminar of “Ketika Aku Jatuh Cinta, Bagaimana Kita Managemen Cinta?” (When I Am Falling in Love, How to Manage the Love?) at A.R. Fachruddin B of UMY on Saturday (9/4). “Love is a gift, but whether or not the love is right relies on the management,” conveyed Meyda Sefira, an actress of a movie ‘Ketika Cinta Bertasbih’.

She stated that the erroneous love management leads to promiscuity and can harm the future. For instance, the massive abortion issues are caused by the free sex and dreadful environment. “Environment and parents possess essential roles. Lack of a father’s role provokes LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender),” she told.

Besides, the first Indonesian motivasinger as well as an author, Kang Abay described teenagers nowadays. Most of them have undertaken promiscuity and most of the issues are dealing with making relationship. “It begins from dating, and it eventually brings to inappropriate behaviors vanishing shame and fear. There was news that a lot of high school students had sexual intercourse as the celebration after national exam. It causes disquiet,” he told.

The teenagers’ circumstances were due to engaging lust in the love management. It is accounted that 23.9 percent of teenagers are unwed pregnancy. “The sexual deviations occur since they are curious to try something. When they are falling in love, their desire increases and can cripple morals and future. Most students are no longer virgin because they do not construct the notion that true love does not harm each other,” he argued.

Seminars discussing love aimed at promoting the love management to teenagers. Chief of BEM FAI UMY, Sutan Kumala Pontas hoped that young generation could apply right steps of the love management. “The participants are expected to recognize the current love issues and to be able to implement the correct love management. May love not blind the young generation,” Sutan wished.