
American Corner of UMY Conducts a Workshop on “Engaging Methods in Teaching Science” 

American Corner of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) collaborating with the U.S. Embassy conducted a workshop on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) under the theme of “Engaging Methods in Teaching Science” on Thursday (26/4) at a meeting room of Library of UMY. The workshop was for teachers in Bantul and prospective teachers. The workshop speaker was President of the Northwest Invention Center Ed Sobey, Ph.D. He declared that a ‘fun learning’ method is essential to learn the STEM so that students do not get bored. 

A Regional Public Engagement Specialist of the U.S. Embassy stated that the STEM learning methods should be developed, and a teacher should create a fun learning atmosphere. “Learning innovation is necessary and a teacher should assist students to learn the STEM,” he told. Scott also maintained that science is a result of mistakes since without them science would not exist.  

Scott added that science can appeal students to be curious about science. Science is not merely about using technical instruments. Students still can learn science using basic mechanism. At the workshop, Scott also demonstrate how to use waste for science experiment. “The waste can be utilized to learn science,” he said.  

Meanwhile, teachers of SMA N 1 Bantul as well as the workshop participant Dra. Carolina Handayani, M.Pd. and Mujiyem, M.Pd., Si. were delighted because American Corner of UMY organized it. Carolina mentioned that she will apply the method at class but only for ice breaking. 

She admitted that the workshop was valuable to broaden participants’ knowledge. As a physics teacher, she informed that many students are less interest in learning mathematics and natural science. “Most of them do not like the subjects, particularly physics. Thus, the method may attract students’ interest in learning the subjects,” hoped Carolina.  

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