
A Lecturer and a Student of Accounting of UMT Join International Conference on Global Business & Social Entrepreneurship 2015 (IcoGBSE2015


A lecturer and a student of Accounting of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), namely Barbara Gunawan, S.E., M.Si., and Ressa Evans Sanjaya became a presenter of International Conference on Global Business & Social Entrepreneurship 2015 (IcoGBSE2015). They presented their research in Langkawi, Malaysia on 25-26 November 2015.

Ressa informed that the IcoGBSE2015 accommodated academicians and practitioners of Business, Entrepreneurship, Governance, Social Development, Science, and Education. “In the conference, all papers were reviewed through several phases like abstract selection and content paper selection in several considerations of novelty and social implementation,” told Ressa in an interview at Office of Public Relations and Protocol Affairs of UMY on Thursday (3/12).

Ressa mentioned that his presented paper was entitled “The Influence of Intellectual Capital on the Company Value: The Financial Performance as Intervening Variable (Study at LQ-45 Company in IDX, in the Period of 2011-2013)”. He stated that the topic was dealing with volunteerism of Intellectual Capital of Indonesian companies. “The research findings revealed that the intellectual capital is an invisible asset turning into a fundamental aspect of a company. The intellectual capital is like competence, commitment, loyalty, culture, and procedures affecting on values of a company. Thus, it is indirectly will lead to the response of investors to invest in the company,” Ressa maintained.

Furthermore, Barbara, who is a lecturer as well as Department Head of Applied Accounting of UMY, conveyed that the conference was joined by lecturers, master students, and graduate students of various institutions like International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), University of Khartoum Sudan, Chulangkom University Thailand. “The conference participants were also from Turkey, Sudan, Spain, Libya, and Pakistan. We could share ideas and suggestion dealing with the research with other participants,” he said.

He told that the research would also be published on a proceeding having ISBN and on International Journal of Management Study (IJMS). Both publications would be recommended and indexed by Scopus or Global Business Social Entrepreneurship Journal.

After the ICoGBSE2015, Barbara expected that the paper on the international journal would be valuable to support internationalizing programs at UMY. Besides, Ressa admitted that she was glad to be able to participate in the international conference and to present his research. “I wish that I can contribute to the other research and present it in the other international conference,” he hoped.