
A Filipino Student Holds a Doctorate Degree in Psychology of Islamic Education at UMY

A doctoral student of Program of Psychology of Islamic Education of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) from the Philippines, Kamarodin Abas Abdul Karim held his doctorate degree after having a defense on Tuesday (15/5) at Building of Kasaman Singodimedjo of UMY. He is also a lecturer at College of Asian and Islamic Studies WMSU, Zamboanga Philippines.

His dissertation was entitled ‘Evaluation on the Integration of Madaris Curriculum for Muslim Basic Education in Mindanao, Philippines: Assessing the Psychological Effect.’ “A curriculum to use the Arabic language as an instruction medium of teaching Islamic values, which ease students to move from a madrasah to a public school, is not in accordance with a history of Muslims in the Philippines. Besides, promoting national identity of the Philippines is claimed very responsive towards Muslims children’s need in Bangsamoro Mindanau,” presented Kamarodin.

Kamarodin’s research sought to identify factors supporting and hampering the implementation of the madaris curriculum at public schools. It also tried to find out psychological effects of the curriculum toward teachers and students in writing, reading Arabic texts, Islamic values, and teacher professional development. “My study focuses on the evaluation of the madaris curriculum implementation at public schools in Zamboanga City and Cotabato City, Mindanao where the Arabic language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) are applied. The research participants were 70 teachers and 200 students at public schools in Zamboanga City and Cotabato City. Kamaradin chose Zamboanga as a research setting since most of the people are Christians and only 35 percent of the people are Muslims, while 80 percent of Cotabato people are Muslims,” mentioned Kamarodin.

Kamarodin revealed factors supporting the curriculum implementation, namely that the teachers agreed with the program management of the madaris curriculum and integration of the madaris curriculum at public schools, responses to writing and daily conversation, as well as memorizing short surahs. Meanwhile, factors hampering the curriculum implementation were limited teaching materials, low salary, teachers’ duties, and students not being able to memorize long surahs, and lack of madaris curriculum information dissemination by DepEd (Department of Education). “The madaris curriculum implementation brings positive impacts on teacher’s psychology in teaching and learning processes, instilling Islamic values and tauhid, and introducing Allah to students to gain His ridha and to be good Muslims in various aspects,” he presented.

Kamarodin expected that his research benefits people, particularly children in Bangsamoro, the Philippines in learning processes and applying Islamic knowledge and values. Additionally, Kamarodin is the 40th doctor at Program of Psychology of Islamic Education of UMY. His doctoral dissertation defense examiners were Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, Msc.Eng., Ph.D.; Prof. Dr. Siswanto Masruri, M.A.; Prof. Dr. Usman Abubakar, M.A.; Prof. Dr. Alef Theria Wasim, M.A.; Dr. Arif Budi Raharjo, M.Sci.; Dr. Mahli Zainuddin, M.Sci .; Dr. Muhammad Anis, M.A.

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