
Buya Syafi’i: UMY Should Enlighten Islamic World


Indonesia is the greatest Muslim country in the world. Natural resources in Indonesia are also plentiful. Nevertheless, the circumstances have not brought about Indonesia the world determinant. For one reason, in this earth including Indonesia, sleaze is governing all life elements while goodness is lumbering.

Thus, Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Syafi’i Ma’arif expected that there would be a group of people to enlighten this world, especially Islamic world and Indonesia. The expectation was delivered by Chief of Muhammadiyah well-known as Buya Syafi’i to Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta celebrating the 34th anniversary. He was a speaker of Talkshow in an Evening of Reflection and Gratitude of UMY’s 34th Anniversary in Sportorium UMY on Saturday (28/2). The other speakers were Ir. HM. Dasron Hamid, M.Sc., Drs. H.M. Alfian Darmawan and Dr. Said Tuhuleley, who are also the founders of UMY.

Buya Syafi’i conveyed that UMY ought to engage in the enlightenment together with other Muhammadiyah-affiliated universities. Even though it would be hard duty, Buya argued that it is noble duty. “Through this responsibility, we could get involved in determining this world, even for Islamic world. It would be tough, but very precious. It is the obligation of UMY and other PTMs,” he uttered.

Moreover, Buya advised that Muhammadiyah’s people from either PTM or not need think about the condition of Indonesia. “Indonesia is the greatest number of Muslims in the world. However, the morals are not entirely great yet. It obviously took place in national level fat bank accounts. It might be caused by moral issues,” he emphasized.

Hence, Buya recommended that all parties concern with the condition of this nation. “Do not only be politicians, but be statesmen. That is still few. Higher education is also required not only to focus on the three principles of higher education (Tri Darma), but Catur Dharma (four principles) since it has also been few in this country,” he suggested.

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