Students Need to Prepare for a Certification Program

Students Need to Prepare for a Certification Program

April 7, 2017, oleh:

Some students accomplishing their undergraduate program are required to take a certification program to prepare themselves for a job which they will have. Thus, they should be ready for the certification as early as possible. In Seminar on Skill Certification to Enhance Employability of Graduates and Engineer Profession attended by students of University of Lalangbua

Mahasiswa Perlu Persiapkan Sertifikasi Profesi

April 7, 2017, oleh:

Setiap mahasiswa yang telah lulus dari sarjana akan mendapatkan ijazah dan gelar sarjana pada masing-masing program. Di beberapa bidang studi seperti Fakultas Teknik, sertifikasi profesi diperlukan untuk menentukan pekerjaan yang layak di masa depan. Oleh karenanya, mahasiswa perlu mempersiapkannya sejak dini dalam mengasah keahlian masing-masing. Wakil Rektor bidang Akademik Universitas Muhammadiya Yogyakarta, Dr. Ir. Sukamta,

UMY Cooperates with Yamagata University to Strengthen Academic Cooperation

April 7, 2017, oleh:

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) cooperated with Yamagata Univesity, Japan as one of top 500 universities in the world. The cooperation aimed at increasing the quality of education globally and strengthening academic cooperation of UMY. UMY and Yamagata University signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Thursday (6/4) at Yamagata University, Japan. In the MoU signing, UMY’s

Entrepreneurship Festival Is Expected to Strengthen Students’ Innovation

April 7, 2017, oleh:

Student Entrepreneurship Business Incubator (SEBI) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) is established to encourage the students to be innovative in entrepreneurship. To achieve the aim, the SEBI of UMY conducted an annual festival, namely Entrepreneurship Festival. The festival comprised of a number of events such as competition and poster exhibition, entrepreneurship expo and bazaar, entrepreneurship

Festival Kewirausahaan Diharap Mampu Dorong Inovasi Mahasiswa

April 7, 2017, oleh:

Student Entrepreneurship Business Incubator (SEBI) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta senantiasa mendorong mahasiswa UMY untuk meningkatkan inovasi, khususnya dalam bidang kewirausahaan. Langkah utama yang dilakukan SEBI UMY ialah dengan menggelar Festival Kewirausahaan yang selalu diadakan setiap tahunnya. Festival Kewirausahaan sendiri memiliki berbagai rangkaian antara lain kompetisi dan pameran poster, expo dan bazar kewirausahaan, talkshow kewirausahaan, seminar business