IGOV-UMY’s and American Students Perform a Beach Cleanup

IGOV-UMY’s and American Students Perform a Beach Cleanup

Oktober 20, 2015, oleh:

Students of International Program of Governmental Studies of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IGOV UMY) and American students performed a beach cleanup in a shore of Baru Beach Bantul on Friday (16/10). “We remove plastic rubbish. It aims at educating them that plastic rubbish cannot be decomposed by soil or it will be decomposed for dozens of

Simultaneous General Election Is Expected to Be Public Political Education

Oktober 20, 2015, oleh:

The definition of General Election on UUD 1945 has developed after the Decree of Constitutional Court (MK) on Judicial Review of Law No. 42/2008 on General Election of President and Vice President, article 3 paragraph (5), article 9, article 12 paragraph (1) and (2), article14 paragraph (2), article 112. MK decided that election of legislative

Seorang Sarjana Harus Bermental Baja dan Berani

Oktober 20, 2015, oleh:

Mental seorang mahasiswa harus bermental baja dan kuat, karena sejatinya rintangan yang akan dihadapi kelak jauh lebih berat dari ini. Banyak hal yang harus dipersiapkan, selain mental dan kesabaran yang harus dibentuk sikap berani. Tak dapat dipungkiri memang meskipun kuliah itu menyenangkan tapi ada saat-saat tertentu mahasiswa juga merasa jenuh. “Bukan hal mudah memang untuk

A Graduate Is Required to Be Courageous

Oktober 20, 2015, oleh:

A graduate ought to have mentally tough since they will confront a lot of challenges. They have to prepare many aspects like their mental, persistence, and courage. It is inevitable that, although studying at university is exciting, there must time when students get jaded. “It is not easy to get rid of the circumstances. Exams,