Dua Mahasiswa UMY Ikuti Speech Competition di Korea Selatan

Dua Mahasiswa UMY Ikuti Speech Competition di Korea Selatan

Agustus 24, 2016, oleh:

Dalam rangka peningkatan internasionalisasi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta mengirimkan dua mahasiswanya mengikuti Speech Contest Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP). Kegiatan Tersebut diselenggarakan selama 9 hari sejak Kamis hingga Jum’at (11-19/08) di Daegu Health College (DHC), Korea Selatan. Kedua mahasiswa tersebut adalah Widya Puspitasari (Hubungan Internasional 2014) dan Emir Gemilang Jayaringga (Kedokteran Umum

Two Students of UMY Join Speech Competition in Republic of Korea

Agustus 24, 2016, oleh:

Two students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) joined Speech Contest Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) conducted on Thursday and Friday (11-19/8) in Daegu Health College (DHC), Republic of Korea. They were Widya Puspitasati, an International Relations student of batch 2014, and Emir Gemilang Jayaringga, a Medical student of batch 2014. Widya