Orhan Cicek: Islam Is Supposed to Be Performed without Enmity but Affection

Orhan Cicek: Islam Is Supposed to Be Performed without Enmity but Affection

November 3, 2014, oleh:

Islam should be addressed peacefully and lovingly. Islam is not a religion with enmity, moreover among religions. It was conveyed by Orhan Cicek, Ph.D., the head of the Australia Intercultural Society Executive Advisor when presenting the material in a public lecture conducted on the cooperation of Fethullah Gulen Chair of Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif

Orhan Cicek: Islam Seharusnya Dilaksanakan Dengan Penuh Kasih Sayang Bukan Permusuhan​

November 3, 2014, oleh:

Islam, seharusnya disampaikan secara damai, dengan jalan yang penuh kasih sayang. Karena Islam bukanlah agama yang penuh permusuhan, apalagi permusuhan antar sesama umat beragama. Demikian disampaikan oleh Orhan Cicek, Ph.D Kepala Penasehat Komunitas Hubungan antarbudaya Australia (the Australia Intercultural Society Executive Advisor). Saat memaparkan materi dalam acara kuliah umum yang diselenggarakan atas kerjasama antara Fethullah