
Vocational Program of UMY Cooperates with IPF

The growth of manufacturing industry in Indonesia is rapid. According to the valuation by United Nation Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in 2017, Indonesia is in the 9th ranks of the world’s manufacturing industry with a market share increase of nearly 2 percent. To support its growth, in this case human resources (SDM) are needed. Therefore, Vocational Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) are trying to fulfil its need by cooperating with Indonesian Packaging Federation (IPF). The cooperation is expected to help produce human resources that can achieve the needs.

Yoesoef Santo, Dipl. Chem, the representative of IPF mentioned that this cooperation provides grant of industrial machines that can be utilized by the students in a subject that requires practice. It is hoped that students can be more familiar with manufacturing industry environment. Besides, the other cooperation is also planning to conduct training and internship programs. The ideas were conveyed in a discussion conducted jointly with the board of Vocational Program of UMY held in Recorate building on Monday (29/1).

Yoesoef explained that education should be able to produce competent graduates in various circumstances in manufacturing industry environment. “Educational sector should combine between materials taught with the needs demanded in the manufacturing industry. This has to be a major concern for educational institution. Some cases that I have encountered, many graduates from higher education cannot keep up with industry standards, “Yoesoef explained.

“I think the training provided to the students who enrolled in this program must be exposed in manufacturing industry environment. In addition, the lecturers have to give an idea about field of manufacturing. This is intended to transfer an overview of the conditions they will face and also to provide them competencies required, “said Yoesoef.

The idea was approved by the director of Vocational Program of UMY, Dr. Bambang Jatmiko, S.E., M.Si, who mentioned that to fulfill the program which has been established, students must conduct an internship program in the final semester. “At least, students have gone through 5 semesters in understanding material and the last one final semester for the internship. It is useful for them to apply the knowledge they have studied also as their introduction to see job field, “said Bambang.

On the occasion, besides discussing the cooperation program between IPF and Vocational Program of UMY, they also talked about procurement of Vocational School of Plastic. “Packaging industry in Indonesia is high, and it can be seen from various products using plastic packaging.  Vocational Program can be a breakthrough which can fulfil needs of industry,” told Bambang.

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