
Muslims Ought to Prepare to Confront Post-Modernism Challenges

Para pembicara Seminar Nasional saat memaparkan materi seminar dengan tema Rekontruksi Identitas di Era Post Modernisme
Speakers of National Seminar delivered materials by the theme of Identity Reconstruction in Post-Modernism Era.

Islam has 3 models in Islamic understanding namely Traditional, Modernization, and Post-Modernism. Each shift of those three models must emerge strain situation that become the greatest challenge for Muslims. They are required to be able to encounter the challenge in order that nobody would fall into negative matters like the emergence of deviate ideologies correlating Islamic values in between Muslim countries and non-Muslim countries.

It was stated by Dr. Ali Musri Semjan Putra, M.A. in a discussion of “National Seminar: Reconstructing Muslim Identity in Post-Modernism Era”. The event was conducted by BEM Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Wednesday (14/11) in Building A.R. Fachrudin B Floor 5 UMY. Additionally, it was inviting Dr. Muhammad Azhar M.A. and Dr. Fahmi Salim M.A. as the speakers and Anton Ismunanto, S. Pd., as the moderator.

According to Dr. Ali Musri, the resurgence of Islam occurs because of the will of Allah and His Prophet. Thus, Islam is supposed to be a life principle in all life aspects, both individual and the nation level. Muslims need not feel inferior to Western since the population of Muslims in the world is increasing each year, and there is accurate data as the evidence.

“The essence of Islam resurgence is the existence of pious Muslims. It could be proven by many Islamic populations in the world from experts believing in Islam. Moreover, many human resources in Islamic countries and many Islamic culture concepts are imitated by Western as Islamic bank system developed in France. Therefore, the crux is till the end of the day Islam would exist,” he stressed.

Nevertheless, by the existence of the Islam resurgence, Dr. Ali continued, Islam should remain to understand and cope with the strains situation which would take place in Post-Modernism Islam. A lot of aspects need to prepare to overcome the challenge such as formulating theoretical basis to comprehend the shift of Post-Modernism. “Lack of understanding would raise strain situation, for instance the emergence of Secular Islam, Traditional Islam, and Radical Islam. They could occur because of lack of comprehension of the changes of Islam which begin to develop. One of the civilization characteristics of Post-Modernism is respect and tolerance. This tolerance does not refer to the tolerance to the evilness but it is identified as tolerance by the principle of doing good and prohibiting bad (amar ma’ruf nahi munkar),” he conveyed.

Furthermore, Dr. Fahmi Salim M.A. explained that there are two models of Islam resurgence namely Salahudin Generation and Mahmet Al-Fatih Generation. In Salahaudin Generation, it took place holy war in 1096 by Pope Urbanus that in 1099 the crusaders successfully wrested Jerussalem and 70000 Muslims were decimated. “Thus, in 1106 Al-Ghazali rise up and wrote a book of Ihya Ulumiddn as a religious guideline and in 1127 Abdul Qadir established a school. While, in Mehmet Al-Fatih Generation, Muslim generation grew the strength of worship and personal piety as the guideline. It could be proven by army of Al-Fatih that never left to pray since they had attained the age of puberty despite war,” he explained.

The same statement was uttered by Dr. Muhammad Azhar, M. A. that Islam had ever led the world for 8 centuries (800 years), while Western had just led the world for 2 centuries (200 years). It means that, if Westerns people were eager to defeat Muslims, they needed 600 years. “Hence, we need to confront this challenge so that Islam rises from hardship. The most essential aspect is that should revert to Al-Qur’an and Hadist since from the guidelines the existing problem could be resolved. The other important aspect is that Muslims should always rise through avoiding laziness in order that Muslim generation has good cadres,” he conveyed.

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