
Athletes of Tapak Suci of UMY Compete in National Championship in Palembang

Eight male students associated in Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) joins Kejuaraan Nasional Pencak Silat Antar Mahasiswa (National Student Martial Art Championship) conducted by Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya (Polsri) Palembang on Tuesday-Friday (20-23/11). Tapak Suci of UMY attempts to achieve three gold medals.

The students compete six contest categories and two students participate in a male single category. They are Wahidah Nur Rohmah (Women’s Class A), Shofi Choirunnisa (Women’s Class C), Ani Lamada (Women’s Singles), Vicky Julpra Pranata (Men’s Class B), Ikhwanudin Arif (Men’s Class A), Panji Nugroho (Men’s Class C), Hamsyin Basri (Men’s Class D), and Ahmad Furqon Ma’ruf (Men’s Singles).

A coach Muhammad Husni Mubarok told that the championship is quite challenging since they prepared it for a month.

“Besides, competing out of Java encourages us to do an all-out effort and we are optimistic about gaining three gold medals,” stated Husni when the team’s departure witnessed by Rector of UMY on Saturday (17/11) at A.R. Fachruddin A of UMY.

He also expected that all students would enjoy the game. If athletes vie under pressure, they will lose their focus and aggravate their quality. Thus, communication among the team members should be maintained to keep their mental. “The better the communication, the stronger the mental,” declared Husni.

Meanwhile, Rector of UMY Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P. advised that the team also utilizes the competition as a medium of dakwah because Tapak Susi is one of the organizations of Muhammadiyah. Hence, all students should behave well to everyone. “You depart to Polsri to not only compete but also disseminate Islamic teaching,” maintained Gunawan. He wished that all athletes can compete well and obtain their target.

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