
An Awardee Association of UMY Conducts Social Service to Enhance Ukhuwah Values

Ramadhan is a blessing month and a moment to share goodness among Allah’s creatures. The holy month 1439 H is leveraged by students who are awardees of Kader Muhammadiyah Scholarship, Hafidz Sholarship, and Prestasi Unggulan Scholarship of batch 2016-2017 to enhance humanitarian values.

The students conducted congregational Iftar with orphans and provided aids to the orphans on Sunday (22/5). The social service was conducted under the theme of “Interweaving togetherness to achieve harmony of sovereign ukhuwah (brotherhood) at Panti Asuhan Bina Insani, Sumber Sari Moyudan, Godean, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

The social service was the first program organized by the awardee association, and aimed to raise students’ awareness of orphans. Besides, it was also addressed to promote UMY.

Chief of the committee Ufi Lukman stated that the social service had been prepared for a month. After the committee was created, we designed the social service for 100 orphans at Bina Insani.

Ufi told that the social service comprised of several activities. “There were preaching of Islam by Ustadz Sutan, doorprize games, and congregational Iftar,” he mentioned.

The event was appreciated by the orphans and community around the orphanage. “Alhamdulillah, this social service is beneficial. I am delighted and so are the children. Insya Allah, this program may motivate them to pursue their education and get scholarships,” expressed a manager of Bina Insani Teguh, S.Ag.

Furthermore, Chief of the awardee association Luthfi Sulton expected that the program could continuously held so that the silaturahim can be sustainable. “In fact, may this program inspire children to reach their dreams with low-priced,” he maintained.

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