
Three Students of UMY Coin a Smart Stove, KOMPOR ALAI

Fires have recently occurred in Indonesia because people forget shutting off a gas stove. Indeed, LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is flammable so that LPG leakage leads to a high risk of a fire and victims. Noticing the fact, students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) associated in Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa – Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC) coined a sophisticated and safe stove called KOMPOR ALAI.

They were Abdi Bagas Utomo, Dwi Nugroho Juliansyah, and Ratna Murti who are an Electrical Engineering of UMY. They successfully innovated KOMPOR ALAI, Kompor Anti Lalai. “The stove functions to diminish fires when it is not used. It also can be set as needed,” told Abdi in an interview at Engineering Laboratory of UMY on Monday (16/7).

The stove, passing to a national PKM-KC and granted by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia, can detect and warn gas leakage by an alarm, users will get a short message on their phone, and the stove will automatically switch off.

A supervisor of the PKM-KC team Rama Okta Wiyagi, S.T., M.Eng. expected that the KOMPOR ALAI can reduce fires because of users’ negligence, and government feels helped by a campaign of the use of a gas stove. “I think the gas stove will be accepted by community because it comforts the users,” he believed.

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