
Vocational Program of Mechanical Engineering of UMY Collaborating with BPBD of DIY Conducts Training to Reduce Workplace Accidents

Noticing that workplace safety is a priority since it deals with people’s life, Vocational Program of Mechanical Engineering of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yoyakarta (UMY) conducted training in Emergency First Aid (PPGD) entitled ‘Ready to Speed and Perspective on Disaster (RESPOND) on Monday and Wednesday (10 & 12/12) at Vocational Campus of UMY in Wirobrajan.

Program Secretary Zuhri Nurisna, S.T., M.T. explained that workplace accidents are unpredictable but can be anticipated. Thus, all workers should understand all phases to avoid the workplace accidents. “Accidents can occur wherever and whenever we are. Before you (students) work, you have to know workplace safety standards,” she declared at the training opening on Monday afternoon (10/11).

The training speaker was from the Response Team of Regional Disaster Management (TRC BPBD) of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, namely Nur Achmad. He presented several materials as how to assist workers who get accidents at a workplace.

“When a disaster hit at your workplace, look after yourself first. Then, help other people. If we would like to help others, we firstly have to check ourselves to reduce risks,” explained Nur.

Besides, at the training, students practiced first aids such as bandaging town wound, lifting victims, and investigating one’s heart rate and life. Nur emphasized that it is also essential to grasp safety standards in university laboratories and workplaces. “Students always use heavy tools so that they have to recognize safety standards. If you carry out wrong first aids, you will end your or other people’s life,” he stressed.

Additionally, the training aimed to enhance students’ understanding of a subject of Workplace Safety. It expected that students could immediately learn from an expert and do simulation.

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