
UMY Student Delegation Ready to Achieve Victory and Syiar in MTQMN XVI Aceh

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) once again sent its delegation to participate in the XVI National Student Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran (MTQMN) 2019 hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti RI). The bi-annual event which was hosted in Universitas Negeri Malang (UNM) and Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in 2017, took place at Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh this year. The participants of this event hailed from 238 universities in Indonesia, and they competed in 11 different types of competition. The competitions were tilawatil quran (recitation), tartil quran (hymnody), tahfidz quran (memorization), debates in English and Arabiq, qira’at sab’ah (pronunciation), khaththil quran (calligraphy), fahmil quran (general understanding), syarhil quran (poetry), scientific literature based on the quran (KTIQ), quran-based computer application design, and the reading of Prophet Muhammad SAW’s maulid book. This year, UMY sent 14 male delegations and 6 female delegations alongside 2 officials who are tasked to accompany the delegations during the event.

Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP. as the rector of UMY expressed his gratitude over the Islamic programs in UMY and its smoothness during the MTQMN XVI 2019 Delegation’s Discharge event at KH. Ahmad Dahlan UMY Mosque on Tuesday (25/07). “We are thankful because the Islamic programs of UMY always work smoothly, as it is a manifestation of UMY’s slogan of Unggul and Islami (Excellent and Islamic). I return the students to their guides, and I hope that they could bring good news while we are exhausted from our future International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI) event in the future,” he stated.

Rinaldi, one of the MTQMN delegation and a clergyman of the KH. Ahmad Dahlan mosque stated that the delegations went through a 2-month quarantine period in UMY’s Girls Dormitory. “We were guided by officials every day from sunrise to sunset to practice for our competitions,” He stated.

Meanwhile, Fakrhuddin Natsir as the head of  the Body of Tilawatil Qur’an Development (LPTQ) and an official for MTQMN UMY team’s delegation, added that their main intention is not merely to achieve victory. “We intend to not only achieve victory, but also to syiar (set an example), as a passage from the Hadits stated, “In truth, Allah Subhaanahu wata’ala will lift those who follow the Qur’an, and not the others”, so we hope that as delegations, we can inspire others in learning and planting the values of the qur’an,” Fakhrudin stated. (ads)

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