
UMY Serves: University to Distribute 1.600 Logistic Packages to its Students

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a dilemma for a number of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta students, especially those from overseas. Many of the overseas students decided not to go home because they were aware of the high risk of becoming a carrier. However, the decision to stay overseas in the middle of a pandemic also has its own risks, especially in terms of access to meet daily needs. This is exacerbated by the lockdowns carried out by several communities. To address this phenomenon, UMY, together with the COVID-19 Task Force Team and volunteers distributed logistics to 1,600 students who had registered themselves.

UMY Rector Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto., M.P., IPM in his speech in the opening ceremony of the activity titled UMY Mengabdi on Tuesday (14/04), revealed that this activity was planned to be carried out every week repeatedly until conditions improve. “My hope is that this program can run well and can increase the sense of security and comfort for students during these difficult times among the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

In accordance with the government’s recommendation to carry out physical distancing, logistics distribution is carried out with a drive thru method where students enter through the southern gate and queue in accordance with the specified path. After verifying data and taking logistics, the students are asked to go straight home or to their respective boarding houses. Logistical time is taken according to the schedule established by the faculty and the student’s area of origin. Not only that, students are required to wear masks when picking up logistics. The logistics collection process was carried out for two days, Tuesday – Wednesday (14-15 / 4), Tuesday for UMY students from outside Yogyakarta, and Wednesday (15/4) for UMY students from Yogyakarta.

The logistics provided include basic needs that have been adapted to the form that was filled out by students. Logistics provided are in the form of groceries such as rice, instant noodles, sugar and cooking oil. Not only that, the students were also given toiletries, items for washing up, and also personal protective equipment such as masks and hand sanitizers. “At least until the end of the pandemic, the welfare of students is considered by the campus as a top priority so they can feel at ease,” Gunawan added. (ays)

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