
Syafii Maarif: KPK-POLRI Rivalry, Muhammadiyah Ought Not To Stand

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Syafii Maarif saat menyampaikan Orasi dukungannya terhadap Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi dihadapan ratusan peserta aksi damai Save KPK
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Syafii Maarif delivers his oration to support Corruption Eradication Commission in front of hundreds of participants in a rally of Save KPK.

Since 25 January 2015 at 7 pm President Joko Widodo called legal experts and public figures to establish an independent team that would assist to resolve KPK-POLRI rivalry. President considered that it was right action to opt good people in the independent team since President is expected could listen to citizens’ voice to eradicate corruption. Muhammadiyah, with the principle of doing good and prohibiting bad (amar ma’ruf nahi munkar), ought not to stand to eradicate corruption.

It was conveyed by one of the independent team’s members coined by President Jokowi to reconcile KPK-POLRI rivalry, Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Syafii Maarif, in his oration to support Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). He was together with several leaders of Muhammadiyah and academic leaders of Muhammadiyah-affiliated universities (PTM). Hundreds of people from elements of students, lecturers, and staffs of UMY attended the rally to encourage KPK in front of Building A.R. Fachruddin A, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Monday (26/01).

“A great statement comes from a former of Wakapolri Ogroseno that the arrest of Bambang Widjayanto is not legitimate. I am glad that a police like him exists still. Ogroseno includes in the independent team. President appoints a right person for this time. I truly appreciate and I hope that President would listen to people’s voice. Muhammadiyah, with the principle of amar ma’ruf nahi munkar should be at front to espouse corruption eradication,” declared Buya Syafi’i, who is also the former chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, on his oration.

Moreover, Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, M.A., uttered that academics of PTM encourage KPK’s effort to eradicate corruption as Muhmmadiyah’s vision

“We, academics of Muhammadiyah-affiliated universities support KPK to eradicate corruption as Muhammadiyah’s vision. We are concerned with the rivalry of law enforcement agencies that it would prosper corruptors, indeed,” added Prof. Bambang Cipto.

Furthermore, the chairwoman of Aisyiyah, Noordjanah Djohantini, exceedingly expected that this situation displayed that there is an attempt to enervate KPK individually or systematically institutionally. She explained that as Muhammadiyah’s woman she fully supported KPK to focus on corruption eradication.

“More than 15 million members of Asyiyah across Indonesia highly wish on the recent situation. From Friday to today, it has been shown that the effort to establish law and to eradicate corruption has been interfered by many parties, either individuals or systematic institution. As a Muhammadiyah’s woman, I oppose all criminalization of anyone in any form, particularly of KPK that obviously eradicates corruption. Therefore, Muhammadiyah’s women together with all Indonesian could declare Save KPK, KPK!!!” she yelled.

In the rally, besides leaders of Muhammadiyah as Prof. Dr. Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Dr. Chairil Anwar, Prof. Andul Munir Mulkan, Dr. Said Tuhuleley, Afnan Hadikusumo, the former rector of UMY Ir. Dasron Hamid, M. Sc., and the chairwoman of Aisyiyah Noordjanah Djohantini, it was also attended by 14 leaders of PTM like rector of UMY, rector of UMS, rector of UAD, head of STIKES Aisyiyah, rector of UMMagelang, PTM Magister association, PTM Law Faculty association, PTM Govermental Study Association, PTM Economic Association, PTM Medical Science Association, PTM Nursing Science Association, PTM Islamic Study Association, PTM English Education Department Association, and Muhammadiyah.

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