
Sunshine Voice of UMY Competes at the TICC 2018

A choral club of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Sunshine Voice (SSV) will join Taipei International Choral Competition (TICC) 2018. On Thursday (26/7) at Rector’s Lobby, they had a meeting with Vice Rector for Student, Alumni, and Muhammadiyah Movement of UMY Hilman Lathief, M.A., Ph.D. before their departure.

Conducted on 31 July – 3 August 2018, the competition was organized by Taipei Philharmonic Foundation. “Having done a lot of preparation and had experiences in participating many choral competition, I believe that you can win the choral competition in Taipei. I also wish that you can behave well since you represent this university,” declared Hilman.

Hilman also stated that UMY entirely supports student activities in both academic and non-academic areas. “The support and accommodation always provided by UMY aim to encourage students to gain a lot of achievements. For instance, we will allow the Sunshine Voice to join an international competition once two or three years,” he said.

Meanwhile, an official of SSV of UMY Aulia N. Kasiwi who is also a student of Master of Governmental Studies of batch 2016 told that SSV of UMY will compete in categories of Mixed Choir and Ethnic Choir. “We will sing six songs in the two categories. For the mixed choir, we will sing Segalariak, Twa tanbo, and Rain from the Sky and for the ethnic choir we will sing Benggong, a traditional song from Nusa Tenggara barat; Toki Tifa, a traditional song from Maluku; and Diu Diu Dang Ai, a mandatory  song from the committee,” she mentioned.

“Besides joining the competition, SSV of UMY will participate at the Noon Concert on 31 July 2018 in Taipei city. The concert is held in a public area to promote home culture of the competition participants,” informed Aulia.

Additionally, the SSV teams departing to Taipei comprises of 34 singers, 1 conductor, 1 pianist, 4 officials, Head of Student and Alumni Development (LPKA) Muhammad Faris Alfadhats, Ph.D. and a supervisor Sugito, S.IP., M .Si.

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