
Religiosity Impacts Teenage Behaviors


Juvenile delinquency in Indonesia is worrying society. The process of being adult leads teenagers to find their self-identity and leads to behavioral changes influenced by internal and external factors. One of the most influential internal factors is religious values of the teenagers.

“The lower teenagers’ religiosity, the higher their juvenile delinquency, and vice versa. It shows that religious reaching is essential as a foundation of their life. Thus, they have to internalize religious teaching in daily activities.

According to research on ‘Roles of Self-identity, Religiosity, and Parenting in Juvenile Delinquency Tendency at High Schools in Cirebon’, religiosity possesses the greatest role in teenagers’ behaviors. “The research participants were 221 high school students in Cirebon. The findings showed that juvenile delinquency was iself identitynfluenced by religiosity (42.35%), self-identity (22.80%), and Islamic Parenting (9.15%,” Sahrudin presented.

He inserted that religiosity functions to link an individual with her/his god, to other people, and to surroundings. “Religiosity commonly comprises of rules and obligation for the believers. Nevertheless, people’s religiosity and thoughts will vary due to their life and educational levels. These two aspects may cause people to deviate from their own faith,” he explained.

Sahruddin, who is also a lecturer at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon, argued, “Self-identity are created and influenced by experiences, social life, and people’s views. Teenagers having positive self-identity will be able to control themselves, and have social interaction,” he mentioned.

After conducting the research, he expected that teenagers’ religiosity can contribute to diminish juvenile delinquency level in Indonesia. “Religious values and teaching may assist teenagers to concept their identity. Thus, they can choose and decide proper behaviors in line with norms and religious reaching,” he wished.

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