
Practice of Islamic Patience Can Reduce Juvenile Delinquency

Nowadays, juvenile delinquency becomes a common thing for students so that people need efforts to overcome and prevent the phenomenon. The juvenile delinquency requires an effective handling to direct teenagers into a positive way. One of the ways is by providing a practice of Islamic patience as mentioned on research of Risydah Fadilah, a promovendus of the dissertation defense at Graduate School Building of Univiersitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Monday (25/3).

Keywords that need to implement are related to patience and parenting patterns. In her presentation, Risydah explained that the dissertation was based on her experience of patience and education. She added, “Basically, education is a conscious effort to develop human resource potential by promoting and facilitating students’ learning activities. It corresponds to Law of Republic Indonesia No. 20/2003 on a national educational system on Article 1 of Chapter 1. Considering the huge number of teenagers in Indonesia, education should provide knowledge, viewpoints, cerebration, and politeness so that students can become a pride of their parents.”

On her dissertation, Risydah proposed Latihan Kesabaran yang Islami untuk Menurunkan Kenakalan Remaja Ditinjau dari Pola Asuh MPT X Deli Serdang (Practice of Islamic Patience to Reduce Juvenile Delinquency based on Parenting Patterns in MPTX Deli Serdang) as a theme. “Parents always seek the best for their children. Most of their wish is related to good academic grades, especially students’ ranks in the class. In order to achieve those, many parents implement some strict rules and disciplines to make students study. However, in reality, these disciplinary actions can bear pressures and burdens to students,” detailed Risydah.

Risydah also informed that the research was conducted at Junior High School (SMP) of Deli Serdang, Medan. She uttered, “My research focused on SMP Islam Terpadu. The school obtains a specific curriculum from Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) and Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemedikbud). The school implements a practice of patience based on Islamic values. SMP Islam Terpadu strives to develop students’ intellectuality based on Islamic values as their inspirations so that they will possess smart sense, noble character, true belief, and proper activity.”

Furthermore, Risydah mentioned that for her research, she stipulated several patient concepts as a measurement scale. “Dimension and indicator of the patient concepts are related to persistence, which contains indicator on what should be conducted and courage to commit risks. Subsequently, patient concepts are linked to patience, diligence, self-control, tenacity, reality acceptance. Those characteristics endow few indicators such as sincerity, gratitude, serenity and an unhurried attitude,” ended Risydah.

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