
KPI of UMY Welcomes a Visit from USIM

24 students of Counseling Department and 20 students of Department of Communication Sciences of Leadership and Management Faculty of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) visited Department of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting (KPI) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Monday (30/10). Accompanied by a number of lecturers, in the two-day field trip, the USIM students were welcomed at a meeting hall of Faculty of Islamic Studies of UMY.

In an interview, a lecturer of KPI of UMY Cahyo Setiadi Ramadhan, M.Psi. told that UMY had previously visited USIM. “UMY had a field trip to USIM, and now USIM visits UMY,” he said.

“This field trip aims to interweave good relationship between two universities and to discuss crises confronted by both countries. Indeed, this visit is expected to enable students and lecturers to broaden their networking, to conduct joint research, and to gain a lot of information to foster each department,” mentioned Cahyo.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the KPI of UMY Rhafidilla Vebrynda, M.I.Kom. explained activities of the field trip. “This is a student activity and it is divided into two sessions. The first session, today, is for Counseling students of UMY and Islamic Counseling students of UMY while the second session, tomorrow, is for Communication students of USIM and Islamic Communication students of UMY. They will also visit several universities in Yogyakarta. This field trip was supposed to be conducted in August, but we can just organized it this month,” maintained Dilla.

“Both USIM and UMY offers Programme of Counseling and Communication so that we can learn from each other,” she said.

“Today we have a panel discussion and a role play, and tomorrow the session begins as today but in the end of the session there will be mini competitions, namely a press release writing competition, a radio broadcasting competition, and a video making competition. Besides, this field trip is expected to maintain good relationship among students, USIM, and UMY. We also wish that we could visit USIM again,” hoped Dilla.

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