
An Environmental Factor Affects Muslim Career Women

Women, Mysterium fascinosum, is interesting creatures but they are hard to understand. They possess a lot of mysteries and are often misunderstood. Women have essential roles in a family, particularly in taking care of their children and cooking. However, in a more moderate academic perspective, there is a paradigm of gender equality so that women can have a career or become a leader.

Due to the uniqueness of women, a doctoral student of the Islamic Psychology programme of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Supriyadi was interested to conduct research on ‘Muslim Career Woman in Gunungkidul’. In his dissertation defense on Sabtu (18/1), Supriyadi stated that career women sometimes trigger conflicts in a community. “The most often influencing factors of career women are a family and environment. Nevertheless, if the family and environment do not support the women to have a career, conflicts may emerge,” declared Supriyadi as the promovomendus.

He maintained that the greatest factor affecting the achievement of Muslim career women is environment. “Between an intrapersonal and environmental factor, gender equality included in the environmental factor is the most important factor in Muslim career women’s achievement. This shows that Muslim career women should do their duties as a wife, a mother, and a leader of a social organization. Besides, they are demanded to foster their career in politics, education, economy, and other fields,” said Supriyadi.

He also gave his opinion on a notion that women may not be a leader in a religion perspective. “I do not agree with the idea since women nowadays have the same rights as men’s and, indeed, our society has been accustomed to a female leader. A community should examine deeper issues of female leaders before they respond to the issues,” asserted Supriyadi.

In addition, Supriyadi was the 41st doctor graduating from UMY with an excellent predicate. He is a lecturer of University of Gunungkidul Yogyakarta. The defense was led by Prof. Dr. Siswoyo Haryono, MM.Ed. (as the chief), Dr. Abd. Madjid, M. Ag. (as the secretary) and six examiners consisting of Prof.Dr.Siswanto Masruri, M, A, Dr. Muhammad Azhar, M.Ag., Prof.Dr.Alef Theria Wasim, M.A., Dr. Hamim Ilyas, M.Ag., Dr. Akif Khilmiyah, M.Ag., and Dr. Khoiruddin Bashori, M.Si.

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