
A Student of PBJ UMY, a Delegate to Japan

Ikhwanul Muslimin saat diwawancara  di Ka. Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogykarta
Ikhwanul Muslimin was interviewed at office of Japanese Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogykarta.

Japan International Cooperation Center provides occasion for Indonesia to visit Japan. Through JENESYS (Japan East Asia Network of Exchange Student and Youth), the Indonesian Youth could visit Japan. The program would be carried out for a week, from 26 January to 3 February 2014. In this program, they also have opportunities to introduce Indonesian culture to youths from other countries. One of the youths becoming a delegate in this program is Ikhwanul Muslimin, a student of Japanese Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).

It was not easy for Ikwanul to be selected as a delegate in this JENESYS program. There were several selections to send him in the Land of Sakura. He should pass the written and interview test to achieve his eagerness.

His supervisor, Sonda Sonjaya, S.S., M.Pd. told that to apply for JENESYS program Ikhwanul should join an internal selection by PBJ since many students were enthusiastic. “What participants should do firstly is written and interview test. The internal selection started in November that a dozen participants joined written test, and 5 students were selected in interview test,” explained Sonda at PBJ office on Thursday (22/01).

In interview section, Sonda continued, five students were assessed using Japanese and English. The test focused on not only language ability but also cultural understanding. It also concerned with the ability to promote Indonesia to the other 48 participants across the world. Ultimately, Ikhwanul was elected to apply for JENESYS.

This program aims at reinforcing relationship and introducing Japanese culture to youths as future generation. “In fact, the main purpose of this program is to reinforce the relationship Japanese youth and youths around the world. Additionally, it is also to cultivate diplomatic relations,” uttered Sonda.

Moreover, Ikhwanul elucidated activities that he would do in this program. He thought that, after arriving in Japan, participants should go in several activities arranged by the committee. In the second year, JENESYS raises a theme of “Japanese Language 13th Batch”. “There would be some agendas carried out by participants in this program like cultural exchange, understanding life in Japan, and the use of Japanese. It is in line with the theme regarding the Japanese language,” Ikhwanul stated.

In addition, Ikhwanul continued, there would detail program to develop as visiting Japanese company, learning history and traditional culture in Japan, visiting Kofu First High School, Hokuto High School, anf Yamanshi Gakuin University, home stay and workshop. “Japanese companies to visit are Strawberry Picking Experience as local industry and Suntory Tennensui Southem Alps Hakushu Factory as regional industry,” he said.

Participants would be divided into two groups, which are group A and group B. Nevertheless, it has not been divided yet since the committee has not confirmed. “The committee has not told yet, but based on the information I get the group would be decided in Jakarta,” Ikhwanul mentioned.

For his preparation, Ikhwanul admitted that he has only prepared clothes and presentation. He planned to acquaint Indonesia culture regarding Javanese ethnic clothes or batik. “I would present Indonesian culture using Javanese ethnic clothes or batik because I am Javanese. I choose batik Pekalongan since I come from Pekalongan, and this city is well known for the batik,” he told.

Ikhwanul expected that he could utilize this chance well and he could enhance his Japanese ability. “Furthermore, I hope that I could be more familiar with Japanese culture and Japanese life style. The home stay program would be beneficial for me to explore Japanese life style,” he added.

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