
Arm the Young Generation by Enhancing their Skill and Passion

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta for the first time held a student conference online, namely in The 1st UMY Grace 2020 (Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference). The event which, was held on Tuesday (27/10) raised the theme ‘Arming the Youth to Contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ by presenting several speakers at the opening ceremony, namely Fahd Pahdepie (Book Author and Executive Director at the Amanat Institute) , Nurhayati Subakat (Founder and CEO of PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation), and dr. Gamal Albinsaid (CEO of Indonesia Medika).

Fahd Pahdepie, who is also an alumni of the UMY International Relations Study Program, stated that UMY always echoes the “young and global” tagline, which is not just a tagline, but an inspiration that tests the mentality of the younger generation as a world community. “In this theme, I will talk about how to prepare the youth so that they can contribute to sustainable development goals, which are known to be a world issue today. It should be noted that UMY has a “young and global” tagline which is more than just a tagline, but it is also our awareness and mentality in facing a better world,” he explained.

Then, Fahd also explained what to do to create a better world in the midst of the current pandemic. “We are currently faced with a pandemic of the covid-19 virus, and covid-19 will forever change our world. The world will not return to the way it was before the covid-19 pandemic. Therefore we have to start to have awareness and make efforts to make this world better with the conditions that are happening at this time. One of them is having another point of view, which views that the existence of Covid-19 is not a problem but an accelerator for us to create a better world in the future. There is no other choice for us but to adapt, and try to equip ourselves with new skill sets and a new mentality to face this new world in the future,” he explained.

Fahd also explained that the younger generation, who is referred to generation Z is a digital native or digital literate generation because generation Z can adapt to situations like this so that the presence of Covid-19 benefits that generation. “Through online conferences, we can adapt because we understand technology so that it becomes an opportunity, so what we have to do is change our plans and build new skills that are relevant to today’s world,” he added.

While Fahd conveyed how the younger generation should be able to adapt, dr. Gamal Albinsaid, CEO of Indonesia Medika, said that passion development is the most important thing in any work activity, especially in socio-preneur. “Great works are born when our passion is combined with patience. If you follow your passion, money and people will follow you. Therefore, don’t sacrifice your passions with rupiah coins or other people’s influence, ”he said.

An example was given by dr. Gamal who focuses on health innovation by developing new products related to health, this innovation is carried out with the thought of how to solve problems in our social environment. “The innovation that I have made at the health foundation, namely Indonesia medika, is a garbage cart insurance clinic, which sees from the social unrest of the problem that some people who do not have money do not have health insurance. This innovation program includes community building, empowering the waste community, and raising funds to cover health costs, so that access to health is available. This is a form of mobilizing the community who do not have the opportunity to access health services. This activity takes advantage of entrepreneurial household waste which exponentially increases the value of waste to help access public health, “said dr. Gamal during the conference.

He also added that innovative and socially beneficial activities are very important for developing a passion according to their respective abilities. “To innovate ideas are cheap as long as we want to start where we are, use what we have and do what we do. Therefore, developing passion requires honesty, patience and courage to try something we are going to do, “he concluded. (Sofia)

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