
Students from 11 Countries Joined the 2012 International Dental Summer School in UMY

The 2012 International Dental Summer School (IDSS) held by Dentistry Department of Faculty of Medicine and Health Science of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (FKIK-UMY) was attended by students from 11 countries. The 2012 IDSS was the first Dentistry Summer School in Indonesia and in the world, which combined education and social activities. Fauziah Karimah, the 2012 IDDS project manager and a student in Dentistry Department (KG) of UMY, informed this during the event held in Asri Medical Center (AMC) of UMY on Monday (7/2). This event would last for 20 days starting from June 29th to July 18th.

Karimah stated that the eleven countries sending their representatives were Italia, Poland, Russia, Croatia, Rumania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, and Indonesia. She added, “All participants will join several activities inside and outside campus.”

This 2012 IDSS took several health topics in Indonesia, especially the ones of dental health, endemic cases in dental health, herbal treatment, and acupuncture treatment. Karimah asserted, “This year, IDSS adds a new material about Hipnodontia, which becomes a new trend in the field of dentistry in Indonesia.”

Hipnodontia is a new concept in dentistry field. This concept means hypnotizing patient when an action or tooth extraction is about to begin. By applying this hypnotizing concept, the patient will feel more relaxed without fear or pain during the action, even when the doctor must conduct a bigger action without applying anesthesia previously. At this moment, this concept is taught to students in UMY Dentistry Department in a basic level.

Karimah added those the topics would be discussed in the forms of lectures, tutorial discussions, skill lab, and visitation to AMC UMY, several health centers (puskesmas), and Muhammadiyah Elementary Schools. She spoke further, “The participants will also join a series of cultural touring to several tourism objects in Yogyakarta.”

Meanwhile, the supervisor for this program was Dr. Iwan Dewanto, who was a lecturer in KG UMY, added that the 2012 IDSS received a total support from International Association of Dental Student (IADS). He said, “IADS recommends students of dentistry around the world to join the IDSS program. In addition, IADS also gives us trust to hold social services in three villages in Yogyakarta and one village in Central Java.”

Dewanto hoped that the programs arranged would not only give knowledge about health services in Indonesia but also contribute to the development of the field of dental health in Indonesia, or even the world. He added, “In addition, this program will also strengthen international cooperation between UMY and universities in other countries and other similar associations, which have the same objectives for the medical field, especially the dental health field.”

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