
UMY Will Conduct FGD to Carry out Grand Deliberation (Mubes) of Religious Leader

As the great nation, Indonesia still needs a lot of instruments to encourage harmony and peace. Harmony of society and religion which have been established for decades is often contaminated with intolerant, perspective about national issues, and decrease of social ethics in religious relations.

This was conveyed by the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP that UMY will hold Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Tuesday (6/2) to discuss strategic issues and main issues about harmony of nation. FGD is planned to welcome and simultaneously provide input for Musyawarah Besar Pemuka Agama untuk Kerukunan Bangsa held by Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Indonesia for Dialogue and Inter-Religious Cooperation and Civilization in Jakarta on 8-10 February 2018.

Gunawan stated that currently there are many forums to be implemented involving figures and elements in the dialogue process which can be more effective. “Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin appointed by President Ir. Joko Widodo as the Head Office of Special Affairs of President of Republic of Indonesia for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Cooperation and Civilization will attend this event which will be held tomorrow,” he said.

Gunawan also explained that there are some main issues that will be discussed in the Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation and Civilization namely; 1) views and attitudes of people about NKRI based on Pancasila; 2) religious views and attitudes about unity in diversity; 3) the views and attitudes of religious people about the legitimate government of democratic election results based on the constitution; 4) principles of religious harmony; 5) Ethics of religious harmony; 6) Broadcasting of religion and worship house; 7)  Recommendations on non-religious factors which interfere with inter-religious harmony.

In addition, FGD held at UMY will also focus on several main issues such as religious attitudes and views towards NKRI, Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika and legitimate governments.

The Rector of UMY has also emphasized that Muhammadiyah has already concerned with national issues including the process of formulating Pancasila. Therefore, FGD at UMY will explore aspects that are specifically related to issues of harmony in the issue of nationality. “In order for our contribution and opinion to government to be accepted, the perspective owned by Muhammadiyah can be more focused,” he added.

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