
Roles of Muhammadiyah Ideologies in Social Society

Indonesia is now facing a political turbulance. Several parties in the political elites even state statements that can lead to schisms. Muhammadiyah possesses vital role as a mediator to conduct social political da’wah so that people will not get into conflicts.

Chairperson of Central Board (PP) of Muhammadiyah, Dr. H. M. Busyro Muqoddas, M.Hum explained that Muhammadiyah never faces a discord because Muhammadiyah possesses firm ideologies, namely Matan Keyakinan and Cita-cita Hidup Muhammadiyah (MKCH). “Fundamental values on MKCH are in lines with Quran and Sunna. Besides, the values also correspond to the 1945 Constitution. Unfortunately, MKCH still collides obstacles in public sector, lost to transactional political system. People are unaware with MKCH, because they are not properly spread among society,” conveyed Busyro at Ramadhan preaching for Lecturers and Structural Officials at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Tuesday (21/5).

Subsequently, Busyro added that Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM) should render significant influence to people in several fields, namely social, politics, and da’wah. He stated, “Discussions between faculties for students and lecturers should reach social, political, and economic problems. Afterwards, we can see whether or not the structural problems change.”

Furthermore, Busyro also explained that corruptions become a serious scourge in political system in Indonesia. There are three matters that cause corruptions, namely demoralization of social structure (this regards to families), demoralization of structure, system, and political processes that includes political parties and state bureaucracy, and people pragmatism that keeps increasing every year. Moreover, political party elites often commit money politics in many fields such as members’ recruitment, practices of bribery in Pilkada (Regional Head Elections), legislative members, and general elections.

Additionally, Busyro uttered that Muhammadiyah and people should be a watchdog to oversee Indonesian government, based on applicable provisions in Indonesia. “If we seriously implement the 1945 Constitution, this surely will give the government a hand. Muhammadiyah will always support whoever becomes the president of Indonesia.”

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