
Religious Factors Determine Family Welfare of Peddlers

Welfare is a goal of all people, particularly ones who have their own family. Some supporting factors to achieve the welfare are economy, positions, and religion. One of the factors, religion, was investigated by a lecture of IAIN Cirebon as well as a doctoral student at Program of Psychology of Islamic Education. He wrote a dissertation entitled ‘Religiosity of Street Vendors in Fostering Family Welfare.’

People’s life history shows significant correlation between religious understanding and economic life. Ali noticed that groups of people who perform religious teachings will sincerely do their social and personal life. They are able to adapt to economic life so that they get prosperity. “The meaning of religiosity of street vendors was a focus my research. The findings presented that the religiosity affects their thoughts, understanding, and behaviors. Street vendors good at performing religious teachings could easily adapt to their environment,” declared Ali on his dissertation defense at a meeting room of Graduate School of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Tuesday (11/12).

Ali conducted the research in three villages, namely Maleber, Kutaraja, and Kutamandarakan Kuningan. He was interested in examining the issue because the street vendors who have faith, worship, appreciation, religious knowledge, and practices can enhance family prosperity. “The existence of religion and adaptation psychologically illustrates mental health and welfare,” he maintained.

The research results also displayed that street vendors who possess faith did not bring significant impacts on prosperity improvement, but it varied their behavior. Besides, their worship, knowledge, and understanding are quite consistent even though the aspects did not hugely impact the welfare enhancement. Nevertheless, their experience was a dominant aspect and had positive impacts on escalating their prosperity. “From all aspects, religious understanding and experiences are assets for the street vendors to sell their products. Both aspects significantly influenced family welfare. The better street vendors’ religious understanding and experience, the greater their prosperity enhancement,” ended Ali.

Additionally, Ali passed with distinction. The 61-year-old lecturer became the 59th graduate of Doctoral Program of Psychology of Islamic Education and the 70th graduate of Doctoral Program of UMY.

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