
Overcoming Number of Smokers, MTCC UMY Proposed Increase of Cigarette Excise

Based on Basic Health Study (Riskesdas), number of smokers in Indonesia have reached 64, 9 % for men and 2, 1% for women. The numbers tend to increase in recent years including the number of smokers in Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

To respond, Dianita Sugio, S.Kep, N.s., MHID, vice director of Tobacco Control Center (MTCC) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) in Citizen Hearing Forum of regional level and consolidation of GKIA, DIY also proposed that excise  of cigarettes can be increased. Besides, cigarette production has to be limited as well as one of ways to reduce number of smokers and to prevent worse effects of cigarettes. The agenda was held in held in Asri Medical Center (AMC) UMY on Monday, January 29.

Dianita also said that in the workshop, MTTC of UMY did not only emphasize on health issues, but also MTCC and GKIA discussed about the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “We don’t not carry messages about issues of health, but in this event we also talked about the achievement of SDGs. MTCC also wants to provide advocacy exposure on the impact of cigarettes. As a result of cigarettes’ effect in one family for example, mothers and children are passive smokers, but the impact for them is the same as active smokers, “she explained.

Therefore, Dianita continued that cigarette restrictions in its production and by increasing cigarette excise is the best way to reduce the number of smokers. In addition, it can prevent bad effects that cigarettes will cause in the future. “The reason from smokers is for life style, prestige, to look trendy in community and to relieve stress. Many of them also think that smoking is cool. In fact, the impact of passive and active smokers is the same. For that reason, we provide a solution that limiting production and increasing cigarette excise is the best way to decrease the number of existing smokers. By increasing excise, the result will be used to provide treatment to smokers and make positive activities to reduce the number of existing smokers, “said Dianita, lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) UMY.

Besides, Dianita added that MTCC of UMY also puts pressure on female smokers for the impact caused by cigarettes especially for their children. “Children will be second smokers, who will certainly affect children’s intelligence. Children will tend to be like an elderly person, suffering from bronchitis, asthma and immunity,” she stated.

The same ideas was delivered as well by dr. Supriatiningsih, Sp. OG, M.Kes, the chairman of GKIA that women basically will get pregnant and have children. Hence, the women smoker will have such an enormous impact on the fetus she contains.

“Actually, cigarettes are very dangerous for women, both active and passive smokers (first hand smoker or second hand smoker) because one day they will get pregnant. This is dangerous because during pregnancy the risk caused by cigarette will highly occur such as miscarriage, fetal deformity, fetal growth inhibition, and various diseases for mother and baby, “she claimed.

Furthermore, she mentioned that growth of fetus is very important in every trimester. “For mothers who smoke, cigarettes are a major factor in pregnancy failure. Hypertension and amniotic rupture, for example will be very risky when giving birth to a small baby. The risks of illness and infection can possibly occur. The first and next pregnancy will cause certain problems. I personally appeal to all mothers who become smokers to stop smoking, “she maintained.

On the other hand, she expressed that it is impossible if we prohibit, but the ministry of industry, finance and trade are not involved. “They must be involved and deal that health should be prioritized because the future of nation is in Healthy Nation,” he concluded.

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