
HIV/AIDS Awareness Should Be Promoted Early

People should maintain their health so that they can be more productive and their activities will not be bothered. To raise people’s health awareness and understanding of HIV/AIDS, Muhammaidyah Medical Student Activities (MMSA) of Faculty of Medicine and Health Science (FKIK) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) conducted an ‘Awareness Day of HIV/AIDS’ with the theme of ‘Stop the Stigma and Give Them a Hug!’. The event was participated by high school students in Yogyakarta on Sunday (19/11).

A speaker from a Non-Profit Organization of Unala Putri Khatulistiwa stated that Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a deadly disease. “HIV is a virus which attacks the human immune system and can be transmitted. The transmission may occur through bloodstream and body fluids such as blood, semen, vagina fluid, and breast milk infected by HIV. It can also happen through having sexual intercourse, contaminated syringe, blood transfusions, and breastfeeding,” explained Putri.

She added that the HIV can become AIDS if the virus spreads to the body. “If HIV turns into AIDS, patients will face various health problems. When someone is infected by HIV, she/he does not immediately suffer AIDS. It takes several years to be the deadliest disease, AIDS. The AIDS sufferers can transmit the virus during their life even though they look health. Indeed, AIDS is the deadliest disease and the drug or vaccine to prevent the virus has not existed yet,” asserted Putri.

Meanwhile, the other speaker Dr. Bambang Sigit Riyanto, Sp.PD.KP the AIDS sufferers feel mental pressure since most people will isolate the patients. “We should care of the sufferers and motivate them. In fact, rules of their family are essential so that the sufferers will be more willing to share their disease. Besides, understanding of the HIV/AIDS should be nurtured as early as possible,” he declared.

Bambang mentioned several means of averting AIDS. “First, people should avoid free sex and have sexual intercourse with only one partner. Second, pregnant women suffering from HIV positive should be vaccinated so that the infant will possibly not be infected by the virus. Thus, I emphasize that all people should be vigilant and recognize symptoms, impacts, and transmission. I wish that government, NGOs, and community could go hand in hand to educate people about the issue,” he maintained.

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