
Election in 2019, Voters Must Beware of Hoax Information

Political euphoria of general election in 2019 has been recently ambianced though it is still in early 2018 because the dissemination of information so that people can easily access all information and news about general elections in 2019. However, it should be paid attention for new voters or voters who has ever chosen that there are many information and news spread in website. Also, it should be questioned whether the news or information is a fact or the hoax.

This was conveyed by political lecturers specializing political party, election and democracy of Governmental Studies of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Bambang Eka Cahya Widodo, S.IP, M.Si on Tuesday (8/2).

According to Bambang, quality of information received becomes one of main factors for voters. The information or news make benchmark for voters notice how credible a potential leader is. However, Bambang mentioned that most candidates are currently only judged based on their popularity. Popular people are more likely seen by society than those who are professionals in the field.

“People today are not unaware of the 2019 election information, but they are overwhelmed with information, and what they are afraid of is when people get hoax information that can hurt voters. Hoax can change voters to change what they want to select. The three basic aspects or components of voters are information, experience and quality or belief.  We think if there is information that is not publicly known in this era, it will be a failure of people who want to express information in public, “he said.

Bambang mentioned that all candidates and societies can campaigns suing their mobile phone such as social media. Bambang hopes that voters can use information wisely.

“Hopefully, with amount of political information available, voters can wisely use that information to decide their choice. Secondly, we live in an age where we can easily access information, especially with mobile phone to get information. However, don’t forget that the information sometimes is not always true. We must have wise attitude that what happend on the internet must be wrong til it can be proven that it is true, “said Bambang.

Bambang’s message especially to new voters that not to be fooled by money, they are not aware that they are punching ships of our country. They will realize when the ship begins to sink. Politics will do well if the relationship between voters and candidates is based on trust, not deceit.

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