
Communication Sciences Department of UMY Implores Wise Usage of the Digital Media

With the development of the digital era, the problems and issues that emerge in public also become more varied. One particular issue is the number of hoaxes and hate speech through the use of smartphones. In response to that, the department of Communication Sciences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IK UMY), in cooperation with Muhammadiyah College Students Association (PC IMM) branch of AR. Fakhruddin Yogyakarta hosted a digital literacy workshop themed “Using the Media Wisely and Smartly in the Digital Era”. The event was held on Friday (19/7) at the Communication Sciences Multimedia Room, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo building of UMY.

This digital literacy workshop is attended by three speakers, namely Taufiqurrahman, S.PP., MA., Ph.D, Ayu Amalia, S.Sos., M.Si and Nur Sofyan, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom. The three panellists are lecturers from the Communication Sciences of UMY. The event was also attended by members of IMM from UMY and Universitas Aisyiyah (UNISA).

OP., M.Si as the vice dean of collegiates from the Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) UMY stated that the workshop is a part of social service from IK UMY. He also added his hopes that through this workshop, the younger generation, especially college students, can use digital media wisely to contribute to the advancement of the nation.

“We hope that you, as the younger generation of Muhammadiyah, can optimize the use of digital media, and use this media to help Muhammadiyah so it can contribute to the Indonesian nation as a whole,” Aswad stated.

Hal senada juga disampaikan Taufiqurrahman. Menurutnya literasi menjadi penting untuk dilakukan, agar masyarakat tidak gagap dalam menjalani era digital saat ini. “Apalagi beberapa kegiatan aktivitas sosial saat ini juga dapat dilakukan melalui media digital, seperti yang belakangan ini sering kita temui yakni penggalangan dana atau petisi online. Hal itu tentunya sangat berdampak positif bagi masyarakat. Maka itu sangat penting bagi kita untuk menyampaikan literasi media digital ini kepada masyarakat, karena ada banyak sisi positif media digital yang dapat kita eksplorasi dan dimanfaatkan untuk kebaikan bersama,” jelasnya. (sofia)

The same notion was given by Taufiqurrahman. According to him, literacy is important so that the public doesn’t become nervous in today’s digital era. “Just think, several social activities can be done through the digital media these days, such as the recent fundraising or online petitions going around. This can have a positive effect to the public. That is why it is very important for us to teach digital media literacy to the public, because there are a lot of positive sides to the digital media that we can explore and use for the greater good,” He explains. (sofia)

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